Welcome to the hfrmobile newsletter 2005-11#14! Thank you for subscribing to the hfrmobile newsletter in order to stay informed about new applications, bug fixes, problems and their solutions. -- POIs and Google Earth I have added some POIs (

oint f nterests) for Google Earth too now. If you have interesting POIs (.kml or .ov2) which you like to share with other users just send them to hfr@hfrmobile.com and I will publish them if the are suitable and I have enough time for doing so. URL: http://www.hfrmobile.com/GoogleEarth/pois/index.htm URL: http://www.hfrmobile.com/TTN/pois/index.htm -- POICMD I have developed a new (free) application named POICMD (POI Command or

oint f nterests oman) which enables you to convert POIs from one format to another. At the moment .KML (Google Earth place(s)) and .OV2 (TomTom Navigator Overlay files) are supported by POICMD. POICMD is a command line tool like RCMD (Remote Command) which enables you to view, manipulate or convert POI files. Features: * Get/Set single POI * Dump entire POI file * Convert between KML and OV2 files The zip file for downloading the very first version of POICMD 0.9 Alpha6 contains also a help file (POICMD.chm) which may help you doing your first steps with POICMD. If you have suggestions, bug reports or feature requests (e.g. additional file formats to support) just write an e-Mail to hfr@hfrmobile.com with subject "POICMD". You need the Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 installed on your PC in order to run POICMD. URL: http://www.hfrmobile.com/download_hotb.htm URL: http://www.hfrmobile.com/__DOWNLOADHOTB/POICommand.NET11_09Alpha6_English.zip -- DeviceInfo.exe Added a little utility which displays device information for Pocket PC and Smartphones. You should run this application on your device in order to determine if the professional versions of hfrmobile.com software will run on your device or not. Specially on Smartphone devices you may need do sign the .exe of the application in order to allow the program to have "privileged access" to the device. If the .exe is not signed for privileged access the DeviceInfo utility will display a "Not supported." (or similar) error message. You can directly download the .exe or a .zip file which contains the .exe! URL: http://www.hfrmobile.com/DeviceInfo/index.htm -- Windows Mobile 2005 Renamed the WM2003 section to WM200X which now contains information about WM2005 and hfrmobile.com applications. If you use one or more of my applications on WM2003 or even WM2005 just let me know in order to update WM200X section at hfrmobile.com! URL: http://www.hfrmobile.com/WM200X/hfrmobileWM200X.htm i-greetings hfr ¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯ THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES. ¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯ Even though my applications are freeware, they are not in the public domain, I reserve all rights to them. You may freely distribute copies of my applications as long as you do so in an unmodified form and include all files and documentation that are present in their archives. You may not charge for the distribution of my applications other than a reasonable fee to cover your distribution costs. ¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯ You are receiving this E-Mail because you have written an empty E-Mail with subject 'SUBSCRIBE to hfrmobile newsletter' to newsletter@hfrmobile.com. To cancel your subscription, write an empty E-Mail to with subject 'CANCEL hfrmobile newsletter' to newsletter@hfrmobile.com. ¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯