Welcome to the hfrmobile newsletter 2006-08#24! Thank you for subscribing to the hfrmobile newsletter in order to stay informed about new applications, bug fixes, problems and their solutions. -- RSS Some time ago I created a RSS feed for hfrmobile.com news. Since there exists a good RSS reader for Pocket PC (pRSSreader) and also for desktop machines (RSS Bandit, Live.com, Sage (Firefox) etc.) I'd like to remember you of my RSS feed. If you read the news on your Pocket PC and click a link you will be automatically redirected to the mobile (PDA friendly) version of hfrmobile.com! URL: http://www.hfrmobile.com/hfrmobile.xml I also created a little blog "hfrmobile" which also can be accessed through RSS! Some blogs are written in German but I'll write all future blogs in English so that a lot of users can read it. URL: http://hfrmobile.spaces.msn.com URL: http://hfrmobile.spaces.live.com/feed.rss -- Switch 1.25 Beta1 Added the first beta for Switch 1.25! This beta contains a new type of plug-ins: "runfile". Using this kind of plug-ins the user is able to open documents or executing applications with few clicks. At the moment there exist two plug-ins of this type. Developers or advanced users may use the registry to created their own plug-ins. In this case refer to FAQ10 in order to have no conflicts with existing plug-ins! URL: http://www.hfrmobile.com/app_Switch_T1/index.htm URL: http://www.hfrmobile.com/faq.htm#q10 -- Switch 1.25 Beta1 new plug-ins Two new plug-ins are available for Switch 1.25 Beta1: Notes: Just opens the Notes application. Useful if you often using Notes and need quick access to this application. PDATextClipboard: Enables the user to exchange text between desktop pc and their PDA. RCMD 1.52 must be installed on the desktop machine. The plug-in contains a script "PdaTextClipboard.cmd" which you should copy to the desktop. Executing this script opens the "clipboard" on the device. URL: http://www.hfrmobile.com/tweaksSwitchPlugIns/SwitchPlugIns.htm URL: http://www.hfrmobile.com/appdescsecrets/SwitchPlugIns_UndocumentedFeatures.htm i-greetings hfr ¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯ THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES. ¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯ Even though my applications are freeware, they are not in the public domain, I reserve all rights to them. You may freely distribute copies of my applications as long as you do so in an unmodified form and include all files and documentation that are present in their archives. You may not charge for the distribution of my applications other than a reasonable fee to cover your distribution costs. ¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯ You are receiving this E-Mail because you have written an empty E-Mail with subject 'SUBSCRIBE to hfrmobile newsletter' to newsletter@hfrmobile.com. To cancel your subscription, write an empty E-Mail to with subject 'CANCEL hfrmobile newsletter' to newsletter@hfrmobile.com. ¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯