Welcome to the hfrmobile newsletter 2006-10#26! Thank you for subscribing to the hfrmobile newsletter in order to stay informed about new applications, bug fixes, problems and their solutions. -- Rosebud 1.0 Added links to Rosebud profiles so that you easily can download and using them. If there is no profile for your mobile provider you have to write your own profile. If you have written a ".rb" file you may like to share it with other users? Just send your ".rb" file to me (mailto:hfr@hfrmobile.com?subject=Rosebud) and I will put them online so that other users can benefit from it. Thank you! URL: http://www.hfrmobile.com/app_Rosebud_T1/index.htm -- UAEDT v3.4 Beta2 Released Version 3.4 Beta2 of the UAE Debugging Tool (UAEDT). Simple Landscape support. Database is supporting datetime type now. Added DMProcessConfigXML (WM2003 or later only) and LoadLibrary test. Also includes some bug-fixes. -- Switch v1.25 Beta2 Added a new feature called "Ignore" which does not display configured application names. This is useful for Phone Edition devices to avoid x-times "Phone" in the list. Also improved WM2005 support a bit. Added new registry keys: GetPixelX and GetPixelY which work like the keys in TaskbarDate! HKCU\Software\HfrSoft\Switch\Init.Settings\GetPixelY=3 will use correct background color on WM2005 devices. -- Newsletter archive Put old newsletters online for reference and/or help. URL: http://www.hfrmobile.com/newsletter/newsletter.htm -- Externals Added some new links to the "Mobile link collection". Also added new links to the "foreign valuable downloads". URL: http://www.hfrmobile.com/mobilelinks.htm URL: http://www.hfrmobile.com/foreign/valuabledownloads.htm -- WM2005 Since there are more and more devices running on WM2005 and I got a new firm equipment I have tested almost all my applications on Windows Mobile 2005! Some first impressions of WM2005 compared with WM2003: Negative * Booting the device takes a very long time * PIE: Cannot hide the address bar * More clicks are necessary to access some features/menu items * Generally slower * No backup application * Some apps are not working as expected * MIDlet manager sometime crashes the whole system * MIDlet manager always asks for allowing connection to the internet Positive * PIE full-screen feature (but: hardware keys cannot be used to switch to other application) * Better keyboard (look likes the PPC2002 SIP again ;-) ... but I prefer handwriting SIP) * All files in flash memory? (no data lost when battery is empty) * Password required only if device is not used for X minutes (worked in PPC2002 but not in WM2003 and work again under WM2005) * Time for Tasks is available again (was available in Windows CE 2.11 but removed in PPC2002 and WM2003 and now available again in WM2005 - Congratulations to Microsoft!) There are some issues on some hfrmobile applications when using them on WM2005: * Switch * TaskbarDate * UAEDT * Voyager URL: http://www.hfrmobile.com/WM200X/hfrmobileWM200X.htm i-greetings hfr ¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯ THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES. ¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯ Even though my applications are freeware, they are not in the public domain, I reserve all rights to them. You may freely distribute copies of my applications as long as you do so in an unmodified form and include all files and documentation that are present in their archives. You may not charge for the distribution of my applications other than a reasonable fee to cover your distribution costs. ¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯ You are receiving this E-Mail because you have written an empty E-Mail with subject 'SUBSCRIBE to hfrmobile newsletter' to newsletter@hfrmobile.com. To cancel your subscription, write an empty E-Mail to with subject 'CANCEL hfrmobile newsletter' to newsletter@hfrmobile.com. ¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯`*•.¸.•*`¯