Welcome to the hfrmobile newsletter 2006-11#27! Thank you for subscribing to the hfrmobile newsletter in order to stay informed about new applications, bug fixes, problems and their solutions. -- Switch 1.25 Released version 1.25 of Switch! Users of 1.25 Beta2 should install the release before the beta test period expires. This release contains a setting that allows ignoring application names. On WM2005 devices you may use the new registry setting GetPixelY with value 3 to get the correct background color for Switch. URL: http://www.hfrmobile.com/app_Switch_T1/index.htm -- HappyPuzzle 2.13 Released Version 2.13 of the HappyPuzzle game. HappyPuzzle is a crossword game available in German only. Fixed WM2003/WM2005 problems. All puzzles can now be played on WM200X devices! URL: http://www.hfrmobile.com/app_HappyPuzzle_T1/index.htm -- Donations Thanks to all users which already have donated for hfrmobile.com applications! All freeware applications will remain free for non-commercial use! PDAStore, MemInfo.NET Pro and Rosebud will remain "donationware". Thank you for supporting me providing free software for Pocket PC and Smartphone. URL: http://www.hfrmobile.com/donate.htm -- Users Thanks to all users which have contributed in translating hfrmobile.com applications to languages other than English and German. Also thanks to users which have written files for LittleWays and HangHim. Special thanks to users who have reported bugs or suggestions how to improve my applications. URL: http://www.hfrmobile.com -- e-book Added a new e-book called "Witze Sammlung V" (German, Joke Collection 5). This e-book is in .lit format so that you can read it using the Microsoft Reader for Desktop, Tablet PC or Pocket PC! URL: http://www.hfrmobile.com/download_ebooks.htm i-greetings, hfr -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Even though my applications are freeware, they are not in the public domain, I reserve all rights to them. You may freely distribute copies of my applications as long as you do so in an unmodified form and include all files and documentation that are present in their archives. You may not charge for the distribution of my applications other than a reasonable fee to cover your distribution costs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are receiving this E-Mail because you have written an empty E-Mail with subject 'SUBSCRIBE to hfrmobile newsletter' to newsletter@hfrmobile.com! To cancel your subscription, write an empty E-Mail to with subject 'CANCEL hfrmobile newsletter' to newsletter@hfrmobile.com!