Welcome to the hfrmobile newsletter 2007-02#30! Thank you for subscribing to the hfrmobile newsletter in order to stay informed about new applications, bug fixes, problems and their solutions. -- RSS feed validation Improved my RSS feed in order to give all RSS readers the chance to display news correctly. Do do so I added RSS validation. My feed was previously also valid but there was a warning that each news item should have a GUID. So I have added them. Be aware that I only have the possibility to validate my hfrmobile.com feed. My MSN space feed does not pass validation but this must be fixed my Microsoft MSN Spaces. URL1: http://www.hfrmobile.com/hfrmobile.xml URL2: http://hfrmobile.spaces.live.com/feed.rss -- New trial periods I am providing new trial periods for the PDAStore and Rosebud application. PDAStore enables you to organize data using categories (e.g. movie index). Rosebud allows you to control applications with a GMS card inside (e.g. telematics applications). Since Rosebud is a tool for power users (high tech freaks) there is no UI for configuring the application. You can find more information about it at the product page. There is a PDF file which describes how to configure it. If I have time I'll improve this and add UI for configuring. URL: http://www.hfrmobile.com/app_PDAStore_T1/index.htm URL: http://www.hfrmobile.com/app_Rosebud_T1/index.htm -- PDAStore Command 1.1 RC4 Released another release candidate of PDAStore Command (PDASCMD). The application was completely refactored and so the way commands/parameters are handled has changed. But it's still easy to use this application when you are familiar using the Commnd Prompt. URL: http://www.hfrmobile.com/app_PDAStore_T1/index.htm#r_PDASCMD -- WAP? I am not sure if WAP is dead or not because WM (Windows Mobile) devices are often used to browse mobile HTML pages. I tried a bit to experiment with WML (Wireless Markup Language) to create a WAP (Wireless Application Protocoll) page for hfrmobile.com! So you need a WAP browser to browse wap.hfrmobile.com! We should not forget that there are a lot of mobile phones which are not using WM ;-) So I added a collection of (real) WAP pages (.wml) to wap.hfrmobile.com! The rest of the mobile version of hfrmobile.com is still HTML based! If you have interesting WAP pages (urls) please let me know and write to hfr@hfrmobile.com! Thank you! URL: http://wap.hfrmobile.com i-greetings, hfr -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Even though my applications are freeware, they are not in the public domain, I reserve all rights to them. You may freely distribute copies of my applications as long as you do so in an unmodified form and include all files and documentation that are present in their archives. You may not charge for the distribution of my applications other than a reasonable fee to cover your distribution costs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are receiving this E-Mail because you have written an empty E-Mail with subject 'SUBSCRIBE to hfrmobile newsletter' to newsletter@hfrmobile.com! To cancel your subscription, write an empty E-Mail to with subject 'CANCEL hfrmobile newsletter' to newsletter@hfrmobile.com!